Introduction: Plague is one of public health problem that can cause outbreak epidemic or that necessary guarded. Activity observed in humant and rodent activity in paste focus area should be done continuously to prevent outbreak. Rodent and human observation result in 2005 showed there were 11 patiens with a positive titer in the District of Selo. Examinations results in Rodent and it's fle…
Dental plaque is a mouth cavity health problem related to microbial biofilm, where Streptococcus mutans is predominant. Adding of essential oils blend in mouthwash has been reported to increase the dental plaque inhibitory activity. The essential oils of clove leaves (Syzygium aromaticum (L.) Merr. & Perry) and cinnamon cortex (Cinnamomum burmanni Nees ex 81.), are known as potential antibacter…
Reservoir Reference Study Collection Disease, particularly rats have been conducted in several areas such as the enzootic plague area in the district of Nongkojajar, Pasuruan, East Java and Ciwidey district, Bandung regency, West Java. These were organized in May-October 2007. The method used for the collection and reference reservoir of disease is rodentia survey methods. Result of the referen…
Pemeliharaan Kesehatan gigi dan mulut bertujuan untuk mencegah terjadinya penyakit gigi dan mulut yang berupa lubang gigi (karies) dan penyakit periodontal. Untuk itu perlu adanya kesadaran serta motivasi untuk berupa melakukan pemeliharaan kesehatan gigi dan mulut sedini mungkin.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran perilaku siswa dalam memelihara kesehatan gig dan mulut terhadap …
Plaque is the main cause of teeth and periodontal tissue, which usually acculates on crown surfaces. To avoid this, plaque control is the best way best way that than not only has a close connection to oral hygiene but also become importan elemen in dental practice. Prevalence Previously, xylitol was used as alternative sweetener for diabetes patiens, but later it is to is used to maintain healt…