Mental emotional problem in workers may reduce work productivity. It is therefore necessary to identify the risk factors for mental emotional problem in chemical industry workers. In this cross sectional study subjects were selected purposively among chemical industry workers in Banten (Indonesia) who performed medical check up (MCU) at the end of 2010. Data collected included demographics,…
Siwak (Salvadora persica L.) adalah sejenis tumbuhan yang (terdapat dalam Al-Qur’an, Surah 34:16) ranting dan akarnya digunakan sebagai sikat gigi. Pada penelitian ini telah dilakukan uji imunomodulator dari ekstrak air dan alkohol ranting siwak dengan melihat peningkatan aktivitas/spesific phogositosis activity (SPA) dan Kapasitas/index phagositosis (IP) sel makrofag peritonium mencit (Mus m…
Relationship Alcohol Consumption with Heart Function Liver cell damage leads to increased levels of SGOT and SGPT enzymes. The enzyme AST into more specific indication of the measurement of the hepatic enzyme alanine aminotransferase. This is because the enzyme alanine aminotransferase more released by the liver in case of organ damage. While the enzyme AST is released by many of the injured or…