National Immunization Days for Poliomyelitis Control in Indonesia (Pekan Imunisasi Nasional untuk Membasmi Polio di Indonesia)
The history and progress of the expanded program on immunization (EPI) in Indonesia have been discussed. With the current coverage achievement. The program optimistically would achieve one of the global. as well as the national, target-polio eradication-by the year of 2000. However, based on the experiences in other countries. The high coverage per se was not sufficient for freering the wild polio virus from the countries, so that needs an extra effort called National Immunization Days (NIDs or Pekan Immunisasi Nasional = PIN). Polio virus can only live in human body, the only host of the virus, by one week and 48 hours in the environment. To immunize all high risk group (children under fives) at the same time during the PIN anables no susceptible left. By conducting PIN 3 times in 3 years consecutively, it is strongly believed that there will be no more wild polio virus found on the earth. As a result, free of poliomyelitis will be achieved.
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