Estimation of Tritium (HTO) Contribution on the Whole Body Dose of Workers in (Perkiraan Kontribusi Tritium (HTO) di Ruang Reaktor terhadap Dosis Seluruh Tubuh Para Pekerjanya)
Radiation workers working near nuclear reactor with primary cooling system of poolwater type have probility to be internally contaminated by tritium through lung and skin following release of tritiated water vapour (HTO). Internal contamination level of tritium depends on body height and weight. Based on the model of tritium metabolism inside the body, it can be shown that the estimated equivalent dose committed to soft tissues of PRSG workers are about 0.56 - 0.73 mSv/yr for WR quality factor of Beta radiation for tritium = 1 and 1.12 - 1.46 mSv/yr for WR = 2 and tritium concentration in air of 11751 Bq/m3.
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