The Current Management of Asthma (Penatalaksanaan Asma Bronkial Masa Kini)
Asthma is a chronic inflamatory disorder of the airway. In suscetible inviduals this inflamation causes recurrent episodes of symptoms, which are usually associated with widesoread but variable airflow limitation. The inflamation is also causes an associated increase in airway hyperesponsiveness to a variety of stimuli. Asthma can be diagnosed on the basis of symptoms. In addition measurement of lung function greatly enhance diagnostic confidence. Bronchial provocation test may also be helpful in establishing diagnosis of asthma in suspected cases. Classifying asthma severity is important in guiding therapeutic recommendation. Based on clinical or symptoms and lung function measurement, asthma can be classify into intermitten, mild persistent, moderate persistent and severe persistent. The goals for successful management of asthma are to achieve and maintain control of symptoms, prevent exacerbation, maintain pulmonary function as close to normal levels as possible, maintain normal activity avoid adverse effect from asthma medication, prevent development of irriversible airflow limitation and to prevent asthma mortality. Effective control of asthma can be accomplish by asthma management program. It consist of patient education, assessment and monitoring the severity of disease, avoiding or controlling asthma triggers, establishing individual medication plants for long-term, management, establishing individual plans for managing, exacerbation, providing regular follow up care and providing the physical fitness of the patients.
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