Infant Morbidity on the Babies who have Exclusive Breast-fed (Morbiditas Bayi yang Mendapat ASI Eksklusif)
Six months longitudinal abservation infant's morbidity was carried out on the Exclusively Breast-fed (EBF) and Non Exclusively Breast-fed (NEBF) cohorts. Babies born in Kariadi Hospital Semarang with normal birth weight, vigorous, singleton, full term, were included in the study. Those suffering from neonatal infection, jaundice and severe congenital anomaly were exluded. Some potential cofounders were taken into account in the analyses. A total of 174 infants were observed, 65 (37.4 percent) and 109 (62.6 percent) EBF and NEBF infants respectively. These were no significant difference of either the episodes of total illness or Acute Respitatory Tract Infection (ARI) between the two cohorts. On the contrary, the episodes of diarrhea of NEBF infants were significantly higher than those of EBF, which were 1.02 (0.64; 1.41) and 0.52 (0.37; 0.68) for NEBF and EBF group respectively. The regression analyses indicated that together with hygiene sanitation, the exclusivity of breast feeding was proven to influence the episodes of diarrhea.
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