The Use of Derivative Spectrophotometry for Quantitative Analysis of Dextromethorphan Hydrobromide in Antitussive Tablet (Pemanfaatan Spektrofotometri Derivatif untuk Menetapan Kadar Dekstrometorfan Hidrobromida dalam Tablet Obat Batuk)
Derivative spectrophotometric assay methods for dextromethorphane hydrobomide in twelve cough tablets containing single compound as a well as its combination have been performed. Spectrogram of normal spectrophotometry, is a plot of absorbance A against wavelength, (lambda), in derivative technique, the plot is transformed into a plot of dA/dlambda vs lambda for first derivative, and d2A/dlambda2 vs lambda2 for the second derivative. The results of this transformation are increasing the number of peaks hence its spectrograms become more details. The absorbance of the first derivative was determined at 289 nm, and for the second derivative was at 293.6 nm, the zero crossing of glyceryl guaiacolate second derivative spectrum. The result of this determination was compared with the method of Farmakope Indonesia III. The result showed that the first derivative method could determine the single compound in tablet, due to strong interence of glyceryl guaiacolate. Conversely, the presence of glyceryl guaiacolate, chlorpheniramine, diphenhydramine, and phenylephrine by using the second derivative method had no interference, although was still influenced by phenylpropanolamine and acetaminophene.
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