Case Control Study of Acute Myocardial Infarction on 'MONICA-Jakarta' Respondence in Southern Jakarta (Studi Kasus Kontrol Infark Miokard Lama pada Responden 'MONICA-Jakarta' di Jakarta Selatan)
Of 2,073 respondents from the MONICA - Jakarta (1988) stydy in South Jakarta, there were 57 cases of old myocardial infraction. The correlation between old myocardial infraction and the main risk factor as hypertension, hypercholesterolemia and smoking analized from a case - control study design are as follows : 1). The main risk factor predisposing to a myocardial infarction which need attention in south Jakarta are hypertension, hypercholesterolemia and smoking. 2). Based on age less than 40 years, the role of hypertension is quite dominant with an odds ratio of 11.53, followed by smoking, with an odds ratio of 3.38. 3). In Women, hypercholesterolemia is most dominant compared other two risk factor. A case - control study design based on the survey data of the MONICA-Jakarta (1988) although, involving a large sample size (2,073 respondents) need further similar input from the large hospitals with accurate diagnostic equepment as well as appropiate methodology, to ascertain cause effect relationship. Awareness, early detection and management of hypertension in the population should be increased for prevention of coronary heart disease and stroke in the future.
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