The Structure of Lung Metastasis Tumor (Gambaran Metastasis Tumor di Paru)
A retrospective study was conducted to investigate a metastical view of lung tumor patients at the Department of Pulmonology, Faculty of Medicine University of Indonesia/Persahabatan Hospital, Jakarta. Subjects were the patients whom hospitalized from 1984 till 1988 and in 1991. They were 70 cases, consisted of 44 females (61.1 percent) and 26 males (37 percent). The youngest was 14 years old and the oldest was 70 years old. Average age was 48.6 years. Radiologic findings were 21 cases (30 percent) with pleural efusion, 19 cases (27.1 percent) with multiple nodule, 12 cases (17.1 percent) with homogeneus mass, 6 cases (8.5 percent) with solitary nodule, 5 cases (7.1 percent) with homogeneus unclear picture, 3 cases (4.2 percent) with infiltrate, 2 cases (2.6 percent) with solitary nodule with pleural efusion and multiple nodule with pleural efusion in 1 case (1.4 percent).
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