The Efficacy of Lung Tuberculosis against the Combinate of HRE/5 H2R2 and 2 HRZ/4H3R3 (Hasil Pengobatan Tb Paru dengan Paduan HRE/5 H2R2 dan 2 HRZ/4H3R3)
Several studies have compared the efficacy and the influence factors of 2 groups anti tuberculosis agents; group A is HRE/5 H2R2 (the combination drugs from Health Department) and group B is 2hrz/4H3R3. Researches reviewed that 282 patients with recovered status and 32 patients with failed status. The dependent variable is recovered status and the independent variables are age, sex, radiologic wide lesions, body weight, haemoglobine grade, erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), and agents type. The average age in recovered group is 35.22 plus/minus 13.50 and failed group is 33.59 plus/minus 12.62. Failed rates in group A 60 percent and group B 40 percent, and recovered rates in both are 50 percent. Further evaluation with Wilks Lambda (canonical discriminant functions) and stepwise method results determination coefficient : a. ESR 0.7203 (72.03 percent). b. Radiologic wide lessions 0.66440 (66.40 percent). c. Agents type 0.6286 (62.86 percent). d. Haemoglobine 0.6208 (62.08 percent). e. Age 0.6171 (61.71 percent) with high probability 93.63 percent) and 6.37 percent are uncalculated factors. The lower determination coefficient are sex and body weight variables. There are 20 cases not conformity between prediction group with observation group and make necessary further analysis.
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