Research of Cardiovascular Disease in the Rural Community (Penelitian Penyakit Kardiovaskular di Masyarakat Pedesaan)
To anticipate the increased heart diseases all over the world, in 1984 who was begin with WHO-Monica Project Study who participated 21 countries in 39 study centers. In the 1987, Indonesia is the only development country in this WHO-Monica (monitoring trend and determinants of cardiovascular disease) project and had finished database study Monica-Jakarta. Predicted that database are risk factor prevalens and the average reported are lower in rural. So in the 1994, the investigators with the same Monica protocal, had finished community study to get that database in 9 villages in Midle Java in 1724 respondens between age 25-64 years. In conclusion the researchers found all data in the rural were lower than Monica-Jakarta, except that prevalens man smokers in rural higher (6.2 percent) than in city (59.9 percent). in the other case the compare between under development village (desa Non-IDT) the different is not significant. People knowledge about cardiovascular disease is poor, so in the second years of this study the intervention shall doing namely KIE (Komunikasi Informasi dan Edukasi/Communication, Information, and Education) methode was conformable with educate and cultural of rural population, and so reevaluation.
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