Scoring System on Traffic Accident Patients at Dr. Kariadi Hospital, Semarang (Sistem Skor pada Penderita Kecelakaan Lalu-lintas di RS. DR. Kariadi, Semarang)
The number of victims treated in our emergency unit during a period of 3 months and the number of deaths on arrival are similar to those reported by other authors. Two of the 5 deaths could be considered as 'unpredictable or unexpected deaths' according to the TRISS formulation, which may be a consequence of the minimal diagnostic tools used rendering actual lesions to go unidentified at the time of the first examination. Unexpected deaths which denotes cases where the real out-come does not reflect the predicted probability of survival are frequently reported and, as stated by several authors, those unexpected deaths could be prevented or, at least, minimized with the use of additional diagnostic tools as well as the use of more than one scoring system. The results obtained from this study support the general view that in cases of trauma, and in particular, in cases of traffic acidents, the use of scoring systems are very helpfull to identify the patient with more need for support and to determine the priority of service which ultimately results in lower morbidity and mortality. However, this could only be achieved with continuing professional mastering of the emergency unit staff together with the use of additional diagnostic tools since those are factors which determinates the accuracy and reability of any scoring system used.
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