The Changing Attitude on the Given of Breast Feeding in Indonesia (Perubahan Perilaku Pemberian Air Susu Ibu (ASI) di Indonesia)
The Indonesian Demographic and Health Survey in 1991 and 1994 had collected information on breasfeeding of children born in the last 5 years before the survey. Feeding pattern in the last 24 hours was recorded to identify the presentage of young infants having exclusive of predominant breasfeeding. In genaral the presentage of children under 5 years of age, who ever had been breast feed, has not changed since 1991 to 1994. Among young infants aged less than 4 months, 2.6 percent were not breast-feed, the presentage was slightly higher in the urban than in the rural areas. Exclusive breasfeeding was 52.5 percent in 1991, and declined to 12.6 percent in 1994. The decreased percentage of predominant breasfeeding was observed in both urban and rural areas. Supplementary feeding was provided early in infancy, 37 percent young infants aged less than 4 months had supplementary feeding. This percentage was slightly higher less than 4 months had supplementary feeding. This percentage was slightly higher in the urban than the rural areas. During the transitional age group of 4-6 months, more than 65 percent infants got suplementary feeding besides breast milk. The percentage was slightly higher in the urban than the rural areas. Comparing the presentages in 1991 to those in 1994, they tended to increase from 66 percent to 79 percent in 1994. Considering the above changes, it is warranted to undertake a study of the underlying causes of decreased percentage of exclusive breast-feeding in the rural areas.
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