The Effect of Time Radiation and Humaditation on the Dissipation DDT in the Soil (Pengaruh Waktu Radiasi Matahari dan Kelembaban terhadap Kecepatan Disipasi DDT dalam Tanah)
The effect of time radiation and humaditation on the dissipation DDT in the soil. At the normal condition DDT residue in the soil is relatively lower than in the region temperature zone. The possible reason in the climatic, persistence and dissipation which result and environmental contamination. This research has aimed to study dissipation of DDT under influence of radiation and humadity. In this experiment twenty PVC tube's (l=12 cm, d=5 cm) were drivel into cultivated soil with 2 cm left protruding above the soil surface. The 10 ml solution of DDT-14 C in hexan were applied to the soil surface in ten tube. At various intervals 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 27, 29, 33 and 37 weeks all the soil within the tube was collected, extracted using ethanol then the samples taken for liquid scintillation counter. The role of humiditation was done by adding 25 g of raw soil in the six tubes of quaritz and six tubes of borosilicate, adding gain 2 ml solution of DDT-14 C in aceton then were exposed to radiation of sunlight several weeks. All the soil was collected at 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 weeks. After extracted using aceton-hexan and reacted using 25 ml KOH 0.05M the samples taken for liquid scintillation counter. The results show that the dissipation time 50 percent of DDT was 2-3 weeks and dissipation time of DDT 90 percent was more than 37 weeks. Volatilization rate of DDT (u Ci/week) in wet soil at one week (0.12) two weeks (0.01) and four weeks (0.09) was small than in the in the hot soil (0, 14, 0, 0, and 0.10).
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