The Densities and Predominant of Vector Malaria Species at Tanjung Bunga Flores Timur, East Nusa Tenggara (Kepadatan dan Dominansi Spesies Vektor Malaria di Kecamatan Tanjung Bunga Flores Timur, NTT)
Study on the malaria vector (Anopheles sundaicus, An. subpictus, An. barbirostris, An. maculatatus, and An. flavirostris) densities and predominant species have been conducted in Tanjung Bunga Subdistrisct, East Flores, East Nusa Tenggara. Results of the study which was carried out by doing mosquito collections showed that malaria vector in each village of Tanjung Bunga subdistrict consisted more than one species. Predominant species of the malaria vector in each village was not the same, An. sundaicus was predominant in Waiklibang (predominant value was 6170,88 and average density was 0.56 per-man/hour), An. barbirostris was predominant in Bedaliwun (predominant value was 4257,05 and average density was 0.19 per-man/hour), An. flavirostris was predominant in Ebak (predominant value was 3066 and average density was 0.30 per-man/hour).
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