Faktor Risiko Tumor/Kanker Rongga Mulut dan Tenggorokan di Indonesia (Analisis Riskesdas 2007)
Background: Globally, oral cancer is counted about 2-5% from all malignancies. The death rate of the disease is about 2-3% from all cancer related mortalities. Objective:
The aim of this study was to estimate prevalence and risk factors of nasopharyngeal cancer (NPC) in Indonesia. Method: Study design was case control. Data was retrieved from individual data of Indonesia Basic Health Research 2007. Cases were all respondents who suffered NPC. Controls were all respondents who did not suffer the disease. The proportion ratio between cases and controls was 1 : 4, and they were matched based on their regency (kabupaten).
Result: There were 203 cases of NPC (prevalence was 0.2‰), and 802 controls were retrieved from the study population. The majority of NPC cases were found in Central Java Province. There were five provinces where none of cases was found; these provinces were: Jambi, West Sulawesi, North Maluku, West Papua and Papua. The adjusted OR of NPC for respondents aged 60 years or older was 2.5 (95% CI 1.3-4.9) higher than those aged 11-20 years. Smoking and betel nut chewing (menyirih) have an adjusted OR of NPC as much as 1.6 (95% CI 1.1-2.3) when never smoker became the reference class. And the adjusted OR of NPC for respondents with poor oral hygiene was 2.3 (95% CI 1.4-3.9) when respondents with good oral hygiene became the reference class. Conclussion: There was paralel and significant association between age, smoking and oral hygiene with NPC.
Keywords: prevalence, cancer, oral and naso-pharyngeal. Basic Health Research 2007
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