Survei Titer Anti Bodi Anak Sekolah Usia 6--17 Tahun di Daerah KLB Difteri dan Non KLB di Indonesia
Diphtheriae is an reemerging infectious disease widespread in the world. Bacterial infection of Corynebacterium diphtheria usually not invasive, but the bacteria can produce toxins that cause pathological effects on the heart muscle and other organs, and a 10-17% death-risk was occurred. Diphtheriae can be prevented by immunization. Immunizations are given to infants at the age of 0-11 months and procead to booster for pupils at Elementary School. The imunization program at school is a routinely cunducted. Such program held annualy on certain month that called as “BIAS pupils immunization month” . To examine antibody titer of diphtheriae, research for sero survey titer antibody titer of diphtheriae was conducted on pupils between 6 and 17 years old at outbreak areas and non outbreak area.The research started in May 2010 and finished in Desember 2010.
The aim of the research was to measure the antibody titer in area of outbreak and non outbreak of school children. Design was case control study. Sera of the respondens were axamined by Elisa for detecting antibody titers against diphtheriae. The study awarded ethical clearence from Research Ethics Committee of the National Institute of Health Research and Developmnent. Number of sample cases were 225 samples and 225 control. Analysis of the data by using the soft ware (SPSS 16.00).
The result of this research were respondens who lived in the outbreak area with risk of dipthteriae infection of 2,3 times than respondens who lived in the non outbreak area. The immunization of diphthteriae more important for antibody titers.
Keywords: Antibody titer diphtheriae, outbreak area
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