Faktor Risiko dan Pengetahuan, Sikap, Perilaku (PSP) Masyarakat pada Kejadian Luar Biasa (KLB) Malaria di Kabupaten Purbalingga
In December 2010 there had been a remarkable incident (outbreak) malaria in Purbalingga Regency. This study to determine risk factors of people's behavior related to malaria outbreaks in Purbalingga.
This type of research was a descriptive analytic cross sectional design of the analysis unit of the malaria patients who visited to the local publik health center. Based on the observations of the physical environment of local conditions and the surrounding houses in both villages were particularly vulnerable to malaria transmission.
Test results of the risk factor in the Village Panusupan showed Odds Ratio (OR) values was 0.536 (OR 1). Shortly all malaria transmission in the village were associated with the movement of the respondents either going to work or leaving the village (imported cases).
The results of the knowledge, attitude, and practise (KAP) of respondents indicated the level of knowledge and practise were still relatively low, even the attitude of the respondents was still many who did not support the search for means of prevention and treatment for malaria as expected.
Keyword : Outbreak, Malaria, Risk Factor, KAP.
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