Spatial Distribution of Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever Cases In Banyumas District, Central Java Province
Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is the most important public health problem in Indonesia, that needs serious attention.DHF cases in Banyumas regency always high in every year, and decrease in 2011.
This research aimed to describe spatialdistribution of DHF in Banyumas district based on location, altitude, landuse and population density and pattern of casesbased on rainfall. DHF cases data obtained from Banyumas District Health Office. Topography map scale 1:25.000obtained from Bakosurtanal and Bappeda of Banyumas regency. Processing data and DHF spatial analize by overlay usingArc Gis.10 software.
This research showed DHF cases in 2012 were 200, spread in almost all subdistrict (75%). DHF casesclustered in East Purwokerto, South Purwokerto and North Purwokerto, that were lowlands area (12-250 above sea level) ,urban area, settlement closed to ricefild and height density population. DHF cases were distributed in lowland area withdensely populated closed to rice field. DHF cases increasing on highly rainfall on January until
May.Keyword : spatial distribution, DHF, Banyumas Regency
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