Kerugian Finansial Akibat Kecacingan: Studi di Kabupaten Nunukan
Helminthiasis is one cause of nutritional anemia that impairs cognitive function, productivity and physical growth and development of children. This paper discuss the nutritional and financial losses caused by the helminthiasis.
This study was observational research using cross-sectional design. The population were all primary school children in Nunukan, the number of sample were 1126 school age children enrolled in nine primary health centers working area (Nunukan, Sedadap, Setabu, Sungai Nyamuk, Aji Kuning, Sembakung, Pembeliangan, Mansalong and Sanur) during March to December 2010. Ascaris lumbricoides consume carbohydrates as much as 0.14 g/worm/day and 0.035 g protein/day. While Trichuris trichiura fed on blood as much as 0,005 cc/ worm/day and Hookworm as much as 0.2 cc/worm/day. The price of carbohydrates assumed to be the rice price Rp.7.199,49/kg, the price of protein assumed to be beef price Rp.30.000/kg and blood Rp.250.000/pack 250cc (Rp.1000/cc).
The results showed that prevalence of ascariasis was 10.3 percent, trichuriasis 8.97 percent and hookworm 2.93 percent . Based on the calculation of nutrients and financial losses, during 2010 Nunukan suffered loss of carbohydrate of 2068.9 kg/year worth Rp. 14.895.075,- , protein loss of 517.23 kg/year worth Rp.32.530.588,- , and blood loss amounted to 1,220,241.17 cc/year worth Rp.,- the total financial losses due to helminthiasis amounted to Rp.1.276.666.763,-
Keywords : helminthiasis,nutrition, financial disadvantage
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