Hubungan antara Sindrom Menopause dengan Kualitas Hidup Perempuan Menopause di Puskesmas Sukahaji Kabupaten Majalengka
Menopause is a natural phase experienced by every woman, a reproduction process characterized by the end of the fertile period of a woman because the ovaries are no longer produce estrogen and progesterone, and may cause menopausal complaints which are referred to as menopausal syndrome. Problems or changes experienced by menopause women may lead to a crisis that will affect the quality of life.
This study aims to analyze the correlation between menopausal syndrome and the quality of life. The study method was analytic observational with cross sectional design. The population were women who had experienced menopause for 1-2 years in Sukahaji Majalengka Primary Health Center area and met the study criteria such as were still have a husband, had no menstruation experience for 1-2 years and were able to read. Sampling technique was performed by total sampling, conducted in February until March 2013. Menopausal syndrome was measured by using MSQ (Menopause Symptom Questionnaire) and quality of life was measured by using The World Health Organization Quality Of Life questionnaire (WHOQOL - BREF). Data was analyzed with univariate, bivariate and multivariate statistical analysis.
The results presented strong negative correlation between physiological and psychological menopausal syndrome aspects in quality of life (r = -0.786, p = 0.000 and r = -0.706, p = 0.000), a negative correlation was simultaneouly strong in physiological and psychological aspects of menopausal syndrome and the quality of life of women (r = -0.772, p = 0.000), a significant correlation between income and education and quality of life (r = -0.313 p = 0.011 and r = -0.359 p = 0.003). Parity was not significantly associated with quality of life of menopause women.
Conclusion: menopausal syndrome had impacts on the quality of life of menopause women. Social support, self-confidence and positive attitude towards the complaints of the menopause women to accept menopause as a gift because it is normal for a woman are especially needed.
Keywords : Menopausal Syndrome, Quality of Life, Majalengka
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