Isolasi Bacillus thuringiensis dari Berbagai Habitat di Kabupaten dan Kota Magelang (Isolation of Bacilllus thuringiensis from Different Habits in the District Magelang and Magelang Multicipality and Pathogenicity Against Aedes aegypti Larvae)
Dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) is still a health problem in Indonesia, transmited by Aedes aegypti. One of vector control method against Aedes aegypti larvae has conducted using Bacillus thuringiensis due to safe for the environment. The objectives of this study was to isolate and identify B. thuringiensis which toxic to Ae. aegypti larvae at various habitat and ecosystem in the District Magelangand magelang multicipality.
Twenty-six soil samples collected from 10 locations were isolated and identified in the microbiology laboratory, Institute for Vector and Reservoir Control Research and Development, Central Salatiga. Twenty-six soil samples and 40 isolates were identified positive of B thuringiensis, 29 isolates had ˃50% toxicity and 11 isolates had ˂50% toxicity. Isolate with 90% toxicity were isolated from resting place ecosystem. Serological research needs to be conducted to identify the pathogenicity of isolates with ˃ 50% toxicity against Ae. aegypti larvae.
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