Konseling Psikologi dan Kecemasan pada Penderita Hipertiroid di Klinik Litbang Gaki Magelang (Psychological Counseling and Anxiety In Patients with Hyperthyroidism in Klinik Litbang GAKI Magelang)
Hyperthyroidism may cause clinical symptoms and physiological changes in thyroid function, and interference in cognitive function, behavioral problems, and a change of feeling (mood) and anxiety. Anxiety is negative emotions, which is characterized by feeling worried and fear that is sometimes experienced in different levels. One method to overcome anxiety is by counseling. Counseling is a process of providing information through systematically interpersonal communication.
The aim of this study is determine the effect of psychological counseling and relationships of age, education, and work with the level of anxiety in hyperthyroid patients in Klinik Litbang GAKI Magelang.
This study was conducted with pre experimental method with pre-test post-test one group design. The variables are psychological counseling and anxiety. Level of anxiety was measured using the beck anxiety inventory (BAI), which has 21 items and measure physical, cognitive, and emotional aspects.
Subjects were asked what she felt for four weeks. Total score indicates the level of anxiety. The subjects were 45 women of childbearing age with hyperthyroid in Klinik Litbang GAKI Magelang. Screening is done by examining level of TSH thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) and free Tetraiodothyronin (fT4).
Subjects who have severe disease and are pregnant were excluded. There was a change between the percentage of each category of anxiety before and after counseling. The analysis showed that anxiety scores after and before counseling process have a statistically significant difference. Age, education, and jobs not related to anxiety in patients with hyperthyroidism.
Psychological counseling may be an option to reduce the level of anxiety in patients with hyperthyroidism.
Keywords: anxiety, counseling, hyperthyroidism
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