Faktor-faktor yang Berpengaruh terhadap Risiko Kehamilan “4 Terlalu (4-T)” pada Wanita Usia 10-59 Tahun (Analisis Riskesdas 2010)
The purpose of this paper is to identify factors that may indirectly affect the risk of pregnancy. Crosssectional study design. The data is from the Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) in 2010 which has been implemented by the National Health Research, Ministry of Health. The unit of analysis is the mothers or women of childbearing age (WUS) who had delivered at least one child within a period of 5 years up to the time of the interview.
The analysis was performed by using logistic regression to determine the most dominant factor. Based on the analysis found the most dominant variable in the relationship between the indirect factors associated with the incidence of pregnancy risk 4-T (too old, too young, too many and too often) is variable residency (rural/urban), level of education, economic status, access to health facility and desire of pregnancy. Mothers who live in rural areas are likely 1.1 times have the chance of pregnancy risk, while mothers with low education (elementary school and below) 1.4 times as likely to experience a pregnancy risk.
Then, mothers of poor families having a chance to experience 1.3 times the risk of pregnancy, whereas mothers who have difficult access to health services were likely 1.9 times at risk of pregnancy with 4-T conditions, and women who did not want to get pregnant were likely to experience 4.9 times the risk of pregnancy. Risk of pregnancy problems is more likely to occur in the group of women who live in rural areas, with low levels of education and the economy, and the difficulty of access to health facilities and does not want her pregnancy. Therefore, it requires health insurance or “jamkesmas”in order to provide an equal health services for poor people and those who living in rural areas. In addition to prioritize the provision of health facilities and health workers in rural areas, as well as counseling on how to manage a healthy pregnancy.
Keywords : risk of pregnancy, fertility.
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