Pengaruh Kebisingan terhadap Kuantitas dan Kualitas Spermatozoa Tikus Putih (Rattus norvegicus) Jantan Dewasa
One of causes in decreasing quantity and quality of spermatozoon is stress. Noise as the physical and pshycological stress is activating the central response and periphery endocrinal system. Activating the endocrinal system which is axis of Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Adrenal involve neurohormone, corticotropin releasing hormon (CRH). CRH through gonadotrophin releasing hormon (GnRH) and infere with activity of adenohypophyse to produce folicle stimulating hormon(FSH) and luteinizing hormon(LH). LH and FSH decreased commonly disrupt the process of spermatogenesis and especially to the quantity and quality of spermatozoon.
This study is experiment with post test control group design. The variable examined include number, motility and morphology. It also use 24 adult white male mice (Rattus norvegicus), denaid in to three groups of treatment and 1 group of control. The treatment group is based to the difference of intensity of 65, 85 and 105 dB is being given 8 hours per day for 48 days (one stage of mouse spermatogenesis).
The result is analyzed by ANOVA test and further by Post-Hoc-Test (Bonferroni). The result show the significant differences (p
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