Hubungan Antara Kejadian diare Dengan Status Gui Anak Balita di Wilayah Puskesmas Abang I Karangasem .
A children that entering a hospital have a several problems, such a ease a feeling of separation, adjustment with a
so they could have a interaction well. new situation. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of orientation program hospitalization to social interaction of pediatric patients 1-3 years old at RSU'D Wangaya Denpasar city. This research was a pre asperimental with The One Group Pretest Posttest Desig
This research had been done 2013 in the Kaswari kids room RSUD Wangaya, the number of sample are 28 person 1-3 years old, using purposive sampling. Data analysis used to Paired T - Test with the mean level alfa 0,05 with p value 0,000 that means P < 0,05 there was a significant "The effect of the Orientation Programe Hospitalization to Social Interaction Pediatric Patients 1-3 years old at RSUD Wangaya Denpasar city. That means Significance Interaction Social difference value before and after giving the Orientation Programa Hospitalization confident interval 95% range -7,212 until -5,071 Therefore children should be prepared before entering a hospital
Keywords : Orientation; Hospitalization; Social Interaction.
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