Manfaat Inisiasi Menyusu Dini Dalam Menjaga Kestabilan Suhu Tubuh Bayi Baru Lahir dan Frekuensi Menyusui Dalam 24 Jam Pertama Masa Nifas
Breastfeeding is done in the first hour can save lives 22% of newborns. Early breastfeeding initiation can increase exclusive breastfeeding. This study aimed to determine the effect of early breast/ceding initiation on newborn baby's temperature and frequency of breastfeeding within the first 24 hours post-partum period. The research were conducted at the health center Dade Puri in June-September 2013, using a quasi experiment. The result found significantly different temperature ben treatment between treatment groups was similar to controls 0 = 0.793, p = 0.431), whereas after treatmen t = 7.036, p = 0.000. There were significant differences in the frequency 0/breast-feeding in the first 24 hours between treatment groups with the control ft= 2.299, p 0.026). Conclusion; early breast/ceding initiation can maintain a stable of newborn baby's body temperature and increased the frequency of breastfeeding in the first 24 hours post-partum period.
Keywords: early breastfeeding initiation; temperature; breastfeeding frequency
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