Pemanfaatan Upacara Molontalo Dalam Menyampaikan Pesan Kesehatan Ibu Hamil Di Kecamatan Anggrek Kabupaten Gorontalo Utara (The Molontalo Ceremony in Delivering Health Messages for Pregnant Women in Sub - District Anggrek North Gorontalo District)
Background: The maternal mortality rate (MMR)in Indonesia is still high with 90% occured during labor and after delivery. In 2007-2009 MMR in the District of North Gorontalo is higher than the national. Efforts in order to decrease maternal mortality, especially in the antenatal phase had been formally conducted by health professionals in the form of promotion. There is effort that can be done traditionally by local cultural approach particularly in Gorontalo Province known as the ceremonial Molontalo. Molontalo is a statement from the husband's family that first pregnancy i s fulfilled expectations will be a continuation derived from legal marriage.
The purpose of the research was to increase the hulango (village shaman) and hatibrs (village priest) knowledge of MCH as community and religious leaders through traditional ceremonies Molontalo so the pregnant women can visit the health care workers and facilities. Methods: Operational research, which begins with the intervention, data collection, analyzed the objects, the situation that described descriptively .
Results: Pre-test of the hetibi and hulango knowledge on MCH programs were low, but there was improvement in post-test. Furthermore, the hulango and hatibi, in terms of delivery MCH messages to the pregnant women could be maintained by the health workers, so they could involved in the health sector. especially for MCH program. The performanced of the hulango for delivering
MCH message was good and the hatibi as well. However, there were need to be regularly improved the MCH program related to any Molontalo ceremonial activities.
Conclusion: This ceremony may facilitate the delivery of MCH program especially in promotion stage. This activity was expected to decrease the maternal modality rate. Recommendation: Evaluation needs to be done for the communities' understanding of Molontalo ceremony in order to recognize the level of understanding of the MCH program. Each ceremony is expected to be conducted continuously and consistently in order to deliver the MCH program messages.
Keywords : Molontalo, MCH pragram messages
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