Kondisi Sumber Daya Tenaga Pengelola Vaksin Di Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi, Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten/Kota dan puskesmas (Human Resources And Vaccine Management At Provincial Health Office, District/City Health Office And Primary Health Centre)
Background: in the Decree of the Minister of Health on the National Immunisation Movement Acceleration Universal Child Immunization 2010-2014 (GAIN UCI 2010-2014) stated that the general problems of decline in immunization coverage and quality of service were caused by several things, one of which is the tack of quantity, quality and distribution of human resources. Methods: A cross-sectional mix-method study to investigate human resources in vaccine management had been conducted in two provinces in 2012. Primary data were collected by interviewing stakeholders thoroughly, secondary data collection and observation were also carried out. Analysis was done by scoring for data concerning education, length of employment, training experience and knowledge.
Result The number of Vaccine management officers are stiff lacking. While the immunization guidelines required minimal two officers for each health centers. Officers' knowledge in primary health centers is still inadequate, especially in terms of the vaccine and Coldchain (Ice Lined Refrigerators). Officers at Provincial Health Office had been trained in vaccine management, but not all officers at District Health Office and Primary Health Centers had received training yet Suggestion: This study suggests the addition of the quantity and quality of human resources in vaccine management, because the officers can affect the quality of the vaccines, because vaccines need a special handling to maintain the quality to provide immunity and prevent the occurrence of diseases that can be prevented by immunization (PD31).
Key words: vaccine, human resources, training, knowledge
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