Analisis Diskriptif Perbandingan Kelayakan Puskesmas Wisata Pantai dan Puskesmas Non-Wisata Pantai di Provinsi Bali (Analisis Lanjut Rifaskes 2011)(Eligibility Comparison of Beach Tourism And Non-Beach Tourism Health Centers In Bali Province (Secundery Analysis of Rifaskes 2011)
Background: Many private clinics in the Province of Bali service tourists. it should be the responsibility of the government On the other hand the feasibility of health centers (HC) based on the availability of coastal tourism facilities and infrastructure, including human resources available to the health service is not clear This study compared the feasibility of health centers shore excursions and non touristic beach health centers in Bali Province.
Methods: Secondary data Healthcare Research Facility (Rifaskes 2011) all health centers in the Province of Bali. The number of samples are 114 health centers. Variabels consisted of facilities, infrastructure, human resources and heafth programs. The analysis is done by giving the value (weight) of each vanebel, then performed the scoring of each variabel both in Beach Tourist and Non Tourist Health Centers. Distribution of of the multiplication of the value with a score used to determine the feasibility of each variabei by calculating the mean (x) and standart deviation (SD). Comparison of eligibility of Health Centers by differentiating the mean (9 of each health center using different test (t test).
Result: There is no difference in viability between Tourist and Non Tourist Beach the shore excursions based on the availability of facilities, infrastructure, human resources and health services (p > 0.05). Recomendation: Suggested health centers increase the completeness and appropriate management to be a Health Centers for Tourist, and cooperation with private clinics, the has to monitor the services and the due to cases HC responsibility.
Key words: feasibility, Tourist Health Centers, Health Centers Non Tourist, Bali Province
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