Pemberian Tablet Zat Besi Oleh Tenaga Kesehatand dan Kepatuhan Ibu Hamil Mengonsumsi Tablet Besi Lebih Dari 90 Tablet Yang Diperoleh Dari Tenaga Kesehatan, di Daerah Kumuh Perkotaan, di Provinsi Javva Barat dan Yogyakarta (Giving Iron Tablets By Health Worker and Pregnant ompliance in Consuming More Than 90 Tablets, in The Slum Urban, in T he West Java Province And Yogyakarta)
Background: The maternal mortality rate in Indonesia is still quite high. At the provincial level, the maternal mortality vary widely. West Java Province is the largest contributor to maternal mortality with the estimated number 19.8% of all maternal deaths in Indonesia. While the province of Yogyakarta contribution is relatively small (1.1%).
Objective: To compare the provision of iron tablets by health workers and pregnant women compliance consume, in urban slums in West Java Province and Yogyakarta. Methods: This study describes and analyzes object that is obtained from the Riskesdas 2010.
Results: Based on the characteristics. the majority of mothers in the province of Yogyakarta are in middle education level, working as a self employed/farmer/fisherman/laborer. Meanwhile, in West Java province, mostly just poorly educated and do not have a job. Total ownership of health insurance in the province of Yogyakarta relatively more than in the province of West Java. Based on the scope of the giving of iron tablets, it appears that most of the mothers in the province of west java and Yogyakarta get iron tablets during pregnancy (84.7% vs 96.0%). However, this condition is much different when viewed from the precentage of pregnant women who consumedat least 90 tablets of iron tablets. Seen that pregnant women who consumed iron tablets >90 in west Java province 12.6 percent. By contrast, in the province of Yogyakarta, the consumption of iron tablets > 90 percentage is quite high, reaching 60%.
Conclusion: Coverage giving iron tablets in both provinces relatively good. However, the consumption of iron tablets > 90 tablets in Yogyakarta province is relatively better than in West Java Province. Recomendations: It is suggested for the provincial government of West Java and other areas for the promotion and extension through various media as well as to the to make a breakthrough, such as pointing person the closest of the pregnant mother for to be a supervisor and motivator for willing consume iron tablets during pregnancy >90 tablets.
Keywords: Iron tablets, urban slums, West Java, Yogyakarta
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