Pengaruh Penyuluhan Kesehatan Tentang HIV/AiIDS Terhadap Tingkat Pengetahuan Siswa di SMA Negeri1 Selupu Rejang Tahun 2013 (The Effect of Health Counseling on HIV/AIDS on The Knowledge Level of Students At SMA Negeri1 Selupu Rejang In 2013)
Background: The percentage of HIV infections in the age group 20-24 years (14%) and the highest percentage of cumulative AIDS cases in the age group 20-29 years (30.7%), then in the age group 15-19 years (3.3%). The incidence in school children or students as much as 1086 people and HIV/AIDS among adolescents aged 15-29 years. The prevalence of AIDS cases per 100.000 population by province, Bengkulu province was ranked 19th out of 33 provinces in Indonesia, where there is a prevalence of 9.33 cases of AIDS. These data indicate that young age, 15-29 years old are the most vulnerable population and need to be targeted in HIV/AIDS in Indonesia.
Methods: This study is a Pre experiments with One Group Pretest Poshest Design. The sample of this study uses total sampling, all students of class XI SMA Negeri 1 selupu Rejang as much as 167 people. Collecting data from primary data obtained directly by administering the object, Through a questionnaire. To test the results of studies using non-parametric statistical Wilcoxon test with a level of a 0.05. Results: Showed differences in the mean value of the students knowledge about HIV/AIDS before and after the health education with a p value of 0.000. This means that health education on HIV/AIDS affect knowledge of students.
Conclusion: health education about HIWAIDS may increase adolescent knowledge about HIV/AIDS.
Key words: Health Education HIWAIDS, Knowledge
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