Eksistensi dan Sebaran Nyamuk Aedesaegypti dan Aedes Albopictus di Kampus Universitas Hasanuddin Makassar (Spreading and existence of Aedes aegypti Aedes albopictus in Hasanudin University Campus in Makasar)
Research to determine the existension and distribution of Aedes aegypti dan Aedes albopictus mosquitos have been done in Hasanuddin University, Kecamatan Tamalanrea, Makassar. The research are explored in five location are as follow : a) Faculty of Husbandry (North), b) Faculty of Law (East), c) Research Centre Building (South), d) Workshop/near of dormitory (West) dan e) Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science (Center). Sampling of larva/eggs are done by ovitrap method using attractan of Eluisine Indica L. and survei to the water reservoir indoor and outdoor. Sample of eggs and larva are kept in microtube using 70% of alcohol as preservative and identified by Rueda (2004) book.
The result showed that Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus mosquitos exist and live in the area of the campus of Hasanuddin University. The living of both of mosquitos are affected by the existence of the human as host of which doing actitivity both indoor and outdoor, various water reservoir or container (e.g. bucket, bathtub) and discarded container (tin/bottles, coconut shell), vegetation/plantation and the existence of some animals, like cows, dog and cat. Indoor research showed that Ae. aegypti dominantly found in the Research Center Building otherwise Ae.albopiclus dominantly found in the Faculty of Law. Outdoor research showed that Ae. aegypti dominantly found in the area of Workshop otherwise Ae.albopictus dominantly found in the surrounding area of Research Center Building.
Key words : Distribution, Aedes aegypti, Aedes albopictus, Hasanuddin University, Existension
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