Analisis Sistem Rujukan Persalinan Bagi Peserta Jamkesmas dan Jampersal Yang Dikoordinasikan Dinas Kesehatan Kota Surabaya (Analysis of Re Feral Delivery System of Jamkesmas and Jampersal Members Coordinated by Surabaya Municipality Health Office)
Background: Policy issues states that referal delivery system of Jamkesmas and Jampersal have not been implemented properly. The study aim to determine of referral delivery systems for members of Jamkesmas and Jampersal social schemes coordinated by Surabaya municipality health office.
Method: it was an observational study with a cross-sectional design. The study was carried outfrom March to December 2013 in Surabaya Municipality. Data were collected by indepth interviews to head of Surabaya municipality health office, chiefs of Jamkesmas /Jampersal and basic health service section in that office. Secondary data were collected to determine number of health facilities, personnels and finance related to service delivery for Jamkesmas and Jampersal members. It Also Conducted Study of documents. Qualitative and quantiative data were analyzed descriptively.
Result: The implementation level of referral system of members Jamkesmas and Jampersal social scheme in Surabaya have not been optimal due to the number of referal hospital was very limited and limited capacity of bed hospitals and community factors. The availability of health facilities and health worker for delivery services is sufficient but those having MOU with Jamkesmas and Jampersal were very few, especially on midwife private services. The financing of Jamkesmas and Jampersal social scheme were sufficient and increase every year. The referral screening of pregnancy using a score of Puji Rohyati cards and the referral screening of delivery using child birth screening form of normal delivery care. Monitoring and evaluation of the referral delivery system were conducted in the form programs meeting, supervision, reports and complaints managemen.
Conclusion: in Surabaya, the coordination of referral delivery systems for members of Jamkesmas and Jampersal have been conducted, by structures & levels but not optimal. The availability of health facilities, health workers and financing were sufficient, in addition the referral screening mechanisms and also the monitoring and evaluation have been conducted as well.
Keywords: policy, delivery referrals, Jamkesmas/Jampersal, money
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