Faktor-Fakto Faktor-Faktor Yang Berhubungan Dengan Kekurangan Energi Kronis (Kek) Pada Ibu Hamil di Kecamatan Kamoning dan Tambelangan, Kabupaten Sampang, Jawa Timur (Related Factors of Chronic Energy Deficiency at Pregnant Woman in Kamoning and Tarnbelangan Sub District, Sampang District, West Java)
Background: Pregnant woman who suffered Chronic Energy Deficiency (CED) has delivered babies with low birth weight and increased the risk for mortality. The objective of this research was to analyze the related factors of CED at pregnant woman.
Method: A Cross sectional design was used. A random sample of pregnant women who registered in kohort. has taken 104 people as the samples. Collecting data using questionnaires (quantitative)and secondary data obtain through kohort register during 2012-2013 and profile of Dinkes 2012, conducted during 6 (six) months 2013 in Puskesmes Kamoning and Tambelangan. The data were analyzed descriptively and statistically using Chi Square test.
Result : The socio-economic factors: 35.5% mother's education mostly elementary school graduates. 29.4 % didn't graduate from elementary school. The majority of their husband (39.2%) work as farm worker with income less than 1 million rupiah per month. The maternal factors: the average age between 21 until 34 years old (70.6%). The age of marriage mostly under 17 years old (41.1%) and most of them (31.4%) have their first pregnancy in the age between 18 until 21 years old. The most pregnant women (54.9%) ate 3 times/day. 70.6% pregnant women with CED suffered from anemia; 66.7% of them took irow tablets every day.
Conclusion: economic factors social conditions associated with the incidence of maternal ced Husband Is Education And Maternal Work Status, whereas maternal factors are gestational age, hemoglobin levels in the blood and consumption of iron pills. Recommendation: Areas programme and sectorce, should be involved to reduce the CED prevalence.
Keywords. Chronic Energy Deviciency (CED), Socio-economic and maternal factors.
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