Pengaruh Akses Air Minum Terhadap Kejadian Penyakit Tular Air (Diare dan Demam Tifoid) The Influence of Drinking Water Access on The Occurrence of Water-Borne Diseases (Diarrhea And Typhoid)
Background: Poor and inadequate drinking water supply are the cause of the high occurrence of water-borne diseases. such as diarrhea and typhoid. These diseases often caused an outbreak among the citizens. This article was a further analysis of data obtained from Basic Health.
Research (Riskesdas) in 2007 with the aim to figure out the influence of drinking water access against the occurrence of diarrhea and typhoid. Methods: the used samples were taken from all samples of the 2007 Riskesdas, which had complete data about drinking water supply. The dependent variables were diarrhea and typhoid, and the independent variables were total water usage, physical quality of the water, the water access, type of facilities, type of sanitation facilities, hygiene behavior (e. g. hand washing with soap before having and preparing meals, hood washing with soap after defecation, the use of latrine), and characteristic of respondents (educational background, occupation, age, and gender). Analysis was performed by using bivariate and multivariate logistic regression.
Results: showed that diarrhea and typhoid were influenced by the difficulty of the access to get water from sources, difficulty level for obtaining the water non physical-standards water, low educational background, behavior of hand washing and latrine usage.
Conclusion: was water-borne diseases occured if the access of water was limited, inadequate water's physical quality and unhigienic behavior.
Key words: diarrhea, typhoid, drinking water access.
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