Deteksi Pembawa Sifat Thalassaemia di Banyumas Menggunakan Capillary Electrophoresis Detection of Thalassaemia Carrier Using Capillary Electrophoresis in Banyumas District ) Muhammad Basalamah; Joko Setyono; Wahyu Siswandari.-- Journal of The Indonesian Medical Association, 64 (6) 2014 : 275-280
Introductions: Thalassaemia is a most prevent of monogenk hematological diseases in the world& population. Carrier detection is a very important step for thalossemia prevention pro¬gram. Recently Banyumas has many thalassaeinia patients. howaver not supported by the accu¬rate data about thalassaemia carrier in the general population. Purpose: ldentifring thefrequency of thalassesnia carrier in the general population of Banyumas.
Method: Cross sectional study using the general population scattered in Banyumas district. Subjects were 183 people with 17-60 years of age criteria, there was no family history of thalas¬semen and historyof hematological diseases. Early detection using ETA criteria in 2010/0 assess aythrocyte indet followed by examination of hetnoglobin,fractions by capillary electrophoreses method.
Results: At first screening using etistrosit index evaluation, study showed that the suspect thalas¬semia career was 8.20% Using capillary electrophoreses method frillier it was known that fi thalassemia and /ME carrier suspect was identified about 6.1% a thalassaentia or iron defi¬ciency 4.2%.. and other variant counted as 1.2%
Conclusion: Thalassemia carrier in Banyumas was quire high with a possible carrier of a and f1 thalassemia trait was 10%
Keywords: thalansacmia carrier capillary electrophoresis
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