Hubungan Status Refraksi, dengan Kebiasaan Membaca, Aktivitas di Depan Komputer, danStatus Refraksi Orang Tua pada Anak Usia Sekolah Dasar (Relationship of Refraction Profile, with Reading Habit, Computer Activity, and Parental Refraction Profile on Primary School Children
Refractive profile of a person con be influenced by heredity factor, reading habits and computer using activities. This study aims to recognize the pattern among refraction status, reading habits, computer using activities, along with the refractive profile of the parents on the elementary school children. The study was conducted by surveying Modrasah ibtidaiyah Khadijah students grades 4 through 6. Refraction profile data of the parents as well as students' reading habits and computer using activities were obtained by questionnaires. while the refractive profiles of students were obtained by using trial lens and Snellen Chart.
The results show that the activities of reading in a long period and at close range, and long time duration of routine in using computer were found in many students with myopia. Most students with hyperopia and myopia have parents with the some refractive profile. Furthermore, the majority of students who do not wear glasses, their parents also do not wear glasses. The habits of long period readingand at close range, as well as activity on using computer were found many in certain refractive profiles. Refractive profile of students is iargelythesame as that of their parents. The result indicates there is a pattern between the reading habits, computer use and refractive profiles of parents with the refractive profiles of the children.
Keywords: Computer using activity, reading habits, refractive profile of a child, parental refractive profile
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