Gambaran Peningkatan Kejadian Malaria di Desa Tetel Kecamatan Pengadegan Kabupaten Purbalingga
Malaria is still a public health problem in Indonesia. Purbalingga is one of endemic malaria in Central Java, distributed in four areas Karangmoncol District, Pengadegan, Kaligondang and Rembang. In 2011, 100 malaria cases were reported consisted of 81 indigenious and 19 imported.
This study aims to describe the increased malaria incidence in Tetel, Pengadegan District in 2012. This study included observational cross-sectional design. Thick blood survey was conducted throughout the village area Tetel on all residents with symptomatic and asymptomatic malaria in the same house with someone who has malaria. Blood preparations stained with Giemsa 10% and identified by microscopy 1000x magnification with emersion oil. The behaviour data obtained through interviews of malaria cases . The data were analyzed descriptively in the form of graphs and tables.
The results of blood survey in the Tetel village obtained 299 specimen and 59 positive malaria parasites (SPR 20.07%) with the proportion of Plasmodium vivax (9 cases) and Plasmodium falciparum (50 cases). Distribution of malaria cases from January to November 2012 found 109 cases with detailed males 54.1% and females 45.9%, 78% in the age group >15 years. Transmission of malaria occurred in the neighborhood (indigenous) and more due to incomplete treatment and late diagnosis of the health service.
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