Hubungan Kadar Iodium dalam Garam Beriodium di Rumah Tangga dengan Kecukupan Iodium Berdasarkan Nilai Ekskresi Iodium Urin (EIU) pada Wanita Usia Subur
Iodine Deficiency Disorder (IDD) was one of the nutrition problems in Indonesia that causes decrease of human resource quality. The main cause of iodine deficiency was the environmental factors where land and water in that area were poor of iodine. Childbearing age woman was one of the most vulnerable group to have IDD. Iodine fortification in salt was one of the approach to control iodine deficiency problem.
The aim of this study was to measure the relationship between iodine level of iodized salt in the household with the iodine allowance based on Urinary Excretion of Iodine (UEI) value. This was an observational study with cross sectional design and conducted in Kragilan village, Pakis sub district, Magelang. A total of 68 women age 18 – 45 years was measured for iodine level of iodized salt in the household, UEI which reflect iodine allowance, the amount of iodine comsumption dan recall for iodine contained food consumtion.
The result of this study showed that median UEI was 124.6 μg/L, among subject of this study, the proportion who had iodine deficiency was 41.1% and excess 5.9%. Mean iodine level of iodized salt in the household was 19.58 ppm and 52.9% had ≥ 30 ppm KIO3. The pearson correlation statistic analysis showed there was a significant relationship between iodine level of iodized salt in the houshold with the iodine allowance based on urinary excretion of iodine (UEI) value (rho=0,5 p
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