Faktor-Faktor Yang memengaruhi Kinerja Alumni Politeknik Kesehatan Jakarta II Jurusan TeKnik Elektromedik di Beberapa Rumah Sakit di Jakarta (Factors Influencing Job Performance of Alumni of Electromedical Engeneering Health Polytechnic of Jakarta II at Some Hospitals in Jakarta)
This study aimed to determine the factors influenced the job performance of alumni of health polytechnic of Jakarta II majoring electromedical engineering at some hospitals in Jakarta, using a cross-sectional study . Population is alumni of health polytechnic of Jakarta II majoring electromedical engineering in Jakarta. Samples were alumni of health polytechnic of Jakarta II majoring electromedical engineering at some selected hospitals in Jakarta, calculated based on the formula of sample size for the hypothesis testing for a population meant with 5% significance level, 90% power of the test and 20% estimated response rate, obtained 50 alumni, taken by purlosive sampling.
The results showed an average job performance of 2.1 with a score range 2 thru 41. Simultaneously, there were influence of skills and length of work on job performance among electromedical technicians at several hospitals in Jakarta by 2.5% and variable that most influencedjob performance was skill. The educational institutions are advised to enhance the skills ofstudents by providing more practice material and she teaching staff are advised to increase their lorowledge in order not to left behind . For further research, it is advisable to add another independent variable (such as knowledge, organizational culture, etc.).
Keywords :job performance. clectrommedical technision, individu, psychology, organization
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