Dosis Efektif Organ Kritis Kelenjer Liurdan Kelenjer Tiroid Pada Pemeriksaan Mammografi (Effective Dose in Critical Organ of Saliva and Thyroid Gland in Mammography
The main objective of study was to determine average value ofeective dose ofsalivary gland and thyroid gland from scattering radiation of mammographic examination in craniocaudal projection. The study has been done with desciptive quantitative methode, the data was carry out directly of 20 samples at the Hospital St. Carolers and calculated in laboratory-BATAN PTKMR in Pasar Jumat, Jakarta. The effective dose mean value of saliva and thyroid were 0.05± 0.02 mGy (range of 0.01 mGy to 0.10 mGy) and 0.04 ±0.02 mGy (range of 0.01 mGy to 0.10 mGy) respectively. The results showed that no significant differences to RSNA report. There was positive relation between the breast thickness to thyroid and saliva that are r = 0.54, p = 0.01 and r = 0.52. p = 0.02 respectively. Radiation dose relation between Thyroid and Saliva was good (r= 0.74, p =0.02).
Keyword: Mammography, TLD, absorb dose. Effective dose
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