Peningkatan Pengetahuan dan Sikap Ibu Terhadap Penggunaan Antibiotika Dengan Metode CBIA di Kelurahan Rempoa Ciputat Timur (CBIA Methode Implementation ToImproveMother's Knowledgeand Usage Antibiotic in Kelurahan Rempoa Ciputat Timur
Antibiotic is used to eradicate infection in every medicinal treatment cases. However, an inappropriate usage may generate many issue such as appearing resistant bacteria, raising drug side effect and cost . Easiyng to obtained antibiotic and less antibiotic knowledge on community may increase the used of antibiotic problem. A training module, called CBIA (= Cara Belajar lbu Aktif; Mothers' Active Learning Method), utilises a self-learning process. Information on the pharmaceutical package or medical brochure as used as tool and the training material, that Adopting CBIA methode research is carried out of quasi methode in Kelurahan Rernpoa Ciputat Tmur Each group is given pretest and posttest. After pretest intervention group is given training and had posttest-2. Assessed knowledge includes about infection, type form drug, expiry date and resistant antibiotic. Pretest result can be different from pasitest with T-tes statistically analize at alpha = 0,05.
Based on the research result there are knowledge increase on expiry date's knowledge (standard group 16%, intervention group 19%), resistant antibiotik's knowledge (standard group 21%, intervention group 26%) and infelaion's knowledge (intervention group 56%). On the whole intervention group's knowledge is increasing 3,4 times compare with standard group (617%> 180%). There are no differences result between postest with postest-2 on intervention group. CBIA method recearch education to community was showing positive carry improving knowledge in KeluraltartRempoa Ciputat Timur usage antibiotic accurately.
Key-words : CBIA, antibiotic, mothers, Kelurahan Rempoa Ciputat Timur
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