Analisis Faktor Penyebab Kejadian Hiperbilirubin di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Kota Mataram Periode Januari - Desember 2012
Hiperbilirubin is one of urgency that often occurs in newborns , as much as 25-50% occur in term infants and 80% in infants weighing lahirrendah and an early diagnosis before the occurrence of kernicterus. Hiperbilirubin conditions can lead to biliary encephalopathy (more commonly known as kern icterus)with the consequences in the form of a mild form of brain damage, such as reduced cognitive function. The purpose of this research is to analyze the causes of the incident at the hospital Hiperbilirubin Matararn period January to December 2012. Types of research used in this study is observational time Analytical approach used is cross sectional . Populations used were all infants cared for in the NICU Space Hospital Mataram . Population number as many as 442 babies and sample test cases as many as 80 babies . The variables used were maternal factors such as diabetes and anemia, while variables such as low birth weight babies, birth trauma, asphyxia, hypoxia, infection and hypoglycemia.
The results of statistical tests showed that the univariate, Identification shows the frequency distribution of the results of bulk samples did not experience maternal and infant factors with their respective number of diabetes (15%), anemia (17.5%), LBW (50%), birth tratuna (2.5%), asphyxia (46.2%), infection (36.2%) and hypoglycemia (13.8%), and there is a relationship between infant variables as the cause of the incident with each Hiperbilirubin OR namely LBW (OR = 0.037), asphyxia (OR = 0.022), and infection (OR = 0.004) . And after going through logistic regression obtained asphyxia with the largest OR value OR = 0.416. It can be concluded that asphyxia variable is the variable that most affects the occurrence of events in hospitals Hiperbilirubin City Matuan the period January to December 2012. It is recommended to health care, in order to be used as one reference to improve the quality of services performed since the pregnancy and delivery to prevent Hiperbilirubin that ultimately aims to reduce the incidence of infant mortality and morbidity.
Kata Kunci : Falctor Maternal, Faktor Bayi dan Hiperbilirubin.
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