Pelatihan Senam Nifas Meningkatkan Kadar Hemoglobin, Saturasi Oksigen Darah Perifer, dan Menurunkan Denyut Nadi Istirahat Pada Ibu Postpartum
After the birth process is over, a mother will undergo a process of physical and mental recovery. During the process of vaginal delivery and up to several day after maternal postpartum blood loss that is reduced in circulating erythrocytes. Training exercise help postnatal physiological processes and affect the performance of muck cells, heart, lungs, blood vessels and respiratory sytem. This study aims to determine the postnatal gymnastics training increases hemoglobin levels, peripheral blood oxygen saturation and reduce the resting pulse rate in postpartum.
This study used experimental research design of pre test and post test control group design with 28 postpartum mother in the sample. The subjects were allocation randomized divided into 2 groups, each consisting of 14 persons the exercise control group given no treatment and 14 person the group given treatment the training gymnastic postpartum exercise, for 6 weeks 2 time a week. Hemoglobin level, peripheral blood oxygen saturatin and resting pulse rate were measured before and after treatment were testedwith paired samples t -test and independent test.
Obtained resultsthat the mean hemoglobin levels in thetreated group before doing gymnastics postnatal is 10.88+1,57815 gr% and after treatment was 11.35g±,1.47322 gr% increased average 0,7143g±0,82542 gx%. The mean peripheral blood oxygen saturation in the treatment group before parturition gymnastics was 97,35+1,44 %and after postnatal gymnastics 98,35-11,15 % increased the mean 1,000+0,67937 %. The mean resting pulse rate in the treated group before postnatal gymnastics is 96,857+19,330 bpm and after exercise decrease 81,500-19,120 bpm decrease the mean 10,57+ 7,09 bpm. The analysis showed there were differences content increase the hemoglobin, an increase in peripheral blood oxygen saturatin and pulse rate decrease in the frequency of rest pulse rate in each treatment group and the control value(p
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