Perbedaan dan Pengaruh Stres Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Perawat Unit Perawatan Intensiif dan Unit Gawat Darurat Rumah Sakit Umum Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat Tahun 2012
The development of intelligence in addition to the influence of nutritional status is also affected by stimulation from the environment. Stimulation plays an important role in maximizing the intelligence of children. Stimulation is needed for the relationship between brain nerve cells (synapses) can develop (Sophia, 2009). Purpose of the study examines the effect of malnutrition among children aged 2 years and under and stimulus environment on intelligence levels in children aged 5-6 years Mataram City NTB Province.
Analytical observational study with a retrospective cohort design, the group exposed to as many as 21 and was not exposed to malnutrition by 20 people. Data nutritional status 2 years down the report obtained from the Health Center. Nutritional status is currently measured and calculated with the help of software Antroplus 2005. Children's intelligence level was measured by using the Colour Progressive Matrics (CPM). Stimulus family history of malnutrition in the majority (61.9%) less category, in the history of nutrition majority (55.0%) either category. The level of inteligen of children aged 5-6 years less than the average in the history of poornutrition as much as 42.9%, in the history of nutrition as much as 35.0%
Kata Kunci: Gizi Buruk 2 Tahun, Kecerdasan, Stimulus Lingkungan, CPM
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