Peran Beberapa Zat Gizi Mikro Dalam Sistem Imunitas (The Roles of Micronutrients on Imunity System)
Micronutrients are vitamins and minerals. One of the roles of vitamins and minerals Is as an antioxidant that can strengthen the human immune system. The role of vitamin A is more in the maintenance of epithelial cells, which is one of the epithelial cells of the body tissues involved in the non-specific immune system. Vitamin E or a-tocopherol has an important role in erythrocyte membranes and plasma lipoproteins, they are able to maintain the integrity of the cell membrane because vitamin E has a phenol ring capable of providing hydrogen ions to free radicals. Vitamin C as an electron donor that can break the chain reaction of Reactive Oxygen Species and Reactive Nitrogen Species. Selenium is a trace mineral that is essential for protein synthesis and enzyme activity of glutathione peroxidase (GSH PX). Selenium has a role as a catalyst in the breakdown of peroxide produced by the body to become a bond that is not toxic. Therefore, the adequacy of nutrients, especially vitamins and minerals, are necessary in maintaining optimal immune system as a preventive health efforts.
Keywords: micronutrient, antioksidan, immune system
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