Drug-induced Liver Injury - Tantangan dalamDiagnosis(Drug-induced Liver injury- Diagnostic Challenges)
Drug-induced liver injury or drug-related hepatotoxicity is injury to the liver caused by exposure to a drug or another noninfectious agent.The clinical signs could vary from very mild condition without any clinical symptoms to severe and life-threatening acute liver failure. Drug-related hepatotoxicity has a low reported incidence, ranging from 1 in 10.000 and in 100.000 patients, but its true incidence may pe higher because of difficulties in detection or diagnosis and underreporting. Key elements in assessing cause in the diagnosis of drug-related hepatotoxicity were: Eposure to a drug must precede the onset of liver injury. Other disease should be ruled out. Condition may improve when the drug is stopped and may recur more rapidly and severely on repeaxted exposure, especially if immunological process is involved.
Key words: Drug-inducec liver injury. diagnosis, drug
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