Kelainan Bentuk Kuku (Nail ShapeAbnomialltles) CDK: Cermin Dunia Kedokteran, 41 (12) 2014: 912-916
Generalized Pustular Psoriasis (von Zumbucb) is an inflammatory skin disease that is typicaly characterized by the spread of generalized postular eruption on the trunk and extremities, including nails, palms and soles ot the feet accorrpanied by systemic symptoms such as fever rat lasts for several days. malaise and anorexia. It is one of the acute variart forms of psoriasis. A case of generalized psoriasis pustulosa due to methylprednisolone i- men age 17 years was reported. On pnys Ca exam:nation, blood pressure, pulse and respiratory rate within normal limits,. fever (38.2C), generalzed skin lesions with cistriootion in a most al parts of :he body except face. genitalia, hands and feel, in tne ftrn a' paft'y discrete ard derrarcated ard partly confluent pus:ules (lake of pus). In laboratory tests are leukocy.losis (leukocytes 2l.320/m3.
Keywords: generalizec pustular psoriasis. lake of pus. methylorednisolone. von Zurnbuch
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