Pengaruh Ketinggian Habitat Kelapa (Cocos nucifera) terhadap Pengembangbiakan Bacillus thuringiensis H-14 dan Toksisitasnya Terhadap Jentik (Anopheles aconitus)
Using of Bacillus thuringiensis H-14 as a Biolarvacide are more commonly on this decade. Institute of Vector Control and Reservoir Disease (IVCRD) has used coconut as a medium for B.thuringiensis H-14. This research used only coconut water that was took from many kind of places with difference on altitudes. Locations of this research were from Parangtritis (with altitude < 20 m dpl)), Purwerojo district (150 m dpl), Semarang district (400 m dpl) and Salatiga municypality (650 m dpl).
The objective of this study is to know what difference result of B.thuringiensis H-14 spores that was growth from many kind of habitat (locations) which is diferent on altitudes, and the eficacy of B.thuringiensis H-14 to An.aconitus larvae. The nutrition that contain on coconut water was analise by Health Laboratory on Semarang District.
Result of this research shows that coconut water from Parangtritis beach was contain of carbohidrat 1.82 %, fats 0.02%, protein 0.04% dan glucose 1.67%. Coconut water from Purworejo district was contain carbohydrat 1.92%, fats 0.01%, protein 0.06% and glucose 1.87%. There for coconut water from Semarang district was contain carbohydrats 1.68%, fats 0.01%, protein 0.12% and glucose 1.52%. And the coconut water from Salatiga Munycipality was contain carbohydrat 3.12%, that is the highest than others, fats 0.01%, protein 0.11% and glucose 2.97%. Number of sels and spores that growth on that medium were different. Number of sels and spores from parangtritis beach medium were85.7 x 1010 and 11.1 x 1010. Coconut water medium from Purworejo district may potencial to growth B. thuringiensis H.14. number sels and spores from Purworejo district medium were 2.3 x 1010 and 2.5 x 1010. Coconut water medium from Semarang district could resulting number of sels and spores were 24.9 x 1010 and 23.9 x 1010, and the medium from Salatiga municypality were 62.7 x 1010 and 1.1 x 1010. The efficacy from B.thuringiensis to the An.aconitus larvae shows that lethal concentration from Semarang district were Lc50 0.003% dan Lc95 0.021%, which is the lowest concentration than B.thuringiensis that was growth on the medium from other places.
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